Track: EGO


e-Government/Digital Government and Smart Administrations

Track Chair

Prof. Dr. Türksel Kaya Bensghir, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University

As governments try to transform their organizational/managerial and administrative structure and process, their services and relations with all actors based on ICT, Internet/web technology, blockchain and AI, Digital Government is playing increasingly hot topics in Public Administration field and MIS as well.

Digitization created enormous benefits for societies and economies in terms of access to public services, more efficient, transparent and responsive public administration, greater engagement of citizens in political and government affairs, and the development of knowledge-based societies and economies.

However, it is also showing its dark side by increasing existing inequalities as well as by creating new ones. Examples include the explosion of people to cybercrime and loss of privacy, and the enabling of mass manipulation of people’s political sentiments.

Digital Government encompasses more than just technology – it challenges the way in which public sector service providers and citizens interact. Democratic renewal, the transformation of service delivery, community leadership and citizenship integration are all key elements and Digital Government is also tightly related to legal, economical and organizational fields and as such holds a strong interdisciplinary status.


A New Emergency Notification System Developed by TÜRKSAT as Part of EMYNOS Project Turkish Field Trials

Sami Yenice, TÜRKSAT
Mehmet Aktaş, TÜRKSAT
Fazıl Yaraşlı, TÜRKSAT
Tunç Durmuş Medeni, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University
Ahmet Savaş, TÜRKSAT
Halil Yeşilçimen, TÜRKSAT

Vatandaş Odaklı Hizmet Sunumu Memnuniyet Ölçümü

Tolga Medeni, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University

Integrations of Ministry Of Family, Labor and Social Services: Opportunities, Difficulties and Expectations

Ali Saip Demiröz, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University
Tunç Durmuş Medeni, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University