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The 5th International Conference on Management Information Systems (IMISC 2018) is an international forum for the presentation of new research results, systems and techniques in the broad field of management information systems. IMISC brings together the main international research groups working on management information systems, along with many of the world’s leading companies. The 2018 IMISC conference will be held in Ankara, Turkey, from Oct 16th to Oct 19th, 2018.

As a business with expertise and experience with themes related to management information systems, we invite you to become a financial sponsor of IMISC 2018. Your sponsorship confers three main benefits to IMISC attendees and your company;

  • First, your sponsorship will ensure the costs of the conference remain accessible for students and improve the quality of the conference experience for all attendees worldwide.
  • Second, as a sponsor you will have the opportunity to showcase your organization’s work and recruit candidates in the area of information systems.
  • Third, as a sponsor you will have the opportunity to get involved and influence the conference events and the community as a whole.

We offer four levels of sponsorship, and we will work with individual sponsors to help tailor their sponsorship needs to support the events, services or functions of greatest interest to them.

Levels of Sponsorship

Badges for Partners, Sponsors, and Supporters

Affiliation IMISC 2018 is affiliated by the Turkey Chapter of AIS, TRAIS. Partner Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA), Turkey Sponsors