
Call for Tracks

The Organizing Committee solicits proposals for organizing and hosting tracks.

Deadline for proposals
May 29, 2018

June 1, 2018

Prospective track chairs should submit an up to two-page description for organizing a track, which should include at least the following items:

  • The proposed title for the track with a description of its aims, topics it will cover, and rationale for having such a track in IMISC. This rationale should refer to any related conference events that are held regularly and why the proposed track differs from them or complements them. The proposed track should not be overly general but also not overly specialized, thus being able to attract a wide audience of people sharing similar interests.
  • A short description of the activities the track chair(s) will undertake upon acceptance of the proposal, to disseminate the call-for-papers for the track, and to manage the review process.
  • A short CV of the prospective track chair(s) with reference to research interests and publication record directly related to the themes of the proposed track, and any previous experience of involvement in the organization of similar events. In the interest of brevity, reference to a personal web page where such information can be found will be sufficient.

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Call for Papers

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to IMISC 2018.

Deadline for paper and short-paper submissions
July 29, 2018

August 19, 2018

Deadline for camera-ready version
September 9, 2018

The conference will continue IMISC’ practice of connecting the research and practitioner communities to exchange ideas, frame problems, and share solutions. All promoted papers will be published by respectable journals.

Information systems concept and related technologies have been evolving in several directions over the past years. New types and kinds of data, new types of applications and information systems to support them raise diverse challenges to be addressed. The so-called big data challenge, streaming data management and processing, social networks and other complex data analysis, including semantic reasoning into information systems supporting for instance trading, negotiations, and bidding mechanisms are just some of the emerging research topics. We construe management information systems broadly, including applications ranging from ebusiness to ambient intelligence, and a wide variety of technologies ranging from edge computing to wearable computers.

We welcome new research on management information systems coming from very diverse communities ranging from psychology to mathematics. In particular, we care as much about the underlying technology and systems as we care about the human and economic impact of these systems. Please see IMISC 2018 Topics of Interest.

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